Associations to the word «Abutment»


ABUTMENT, noun. The point of junction between two things, in particular a support, that abuts. [First attested in the mid 17th century.]
ABUTMENT, noun. (engineering) (architecture) The solid portion of a structure that supports the lateral pressure of an arch or vault. [First attested in the mid 18th century.]
ABUTMENT, noun. (engineering) A construction that supports the ends of a bridge; a structure that anchors the cables on a suspension bridge. [First attested in the mid 18th century.]
ABUTMENT, noun. Something that abuts, or on which something abuts. [First attested in the mid 18th century.]
ABUTMENT, noun. The state of abutting.
ABUTMENT, noun. (architecture) That element that shares a common boundary or surface with its neighbor.
ABUTMENT, noun. (dentistry) The tooth that supports a denture or bridge.
ABUTMENT, noun. A fixed point or surface where resistance is obtained.

Dictionary definition

ABUTMENT, noun. Point of contact between two objects or parts.
ABUTMENT, noun. A masonry support that touches and directly receives thrust or pressure of an arch or bridge.

Wise words

The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.
Mark Twain