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Associations to the word «Ablation»


ABLATION, noun. (obsolete) A carrying or taking away; removal. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.]
ABLATION, noun. (medicine) The surgical removal of a body part, an organ, or especially a tumor; the removal of an organ function; amputation. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.]
ABLATION, noun. (sciences) The progressive removal of material by any of a variety of processes such as vaporization under heat or chipping. [Mid 20th century.]
ABLATION, noun. (geology) The removal of a glacier by melting and evaporation; the lowering of a land surface by any of several means, as in wind erosion, mass wasting. [Mid 20th century.]

Dictionary definition

ABLATION, noun. Surgical removal of a body part or tissue.
ABLATION, noun. The erosive process that reduces the size of glaciers.

Wise words

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