Associations to the word «Abkhazian»
- Georgian
- Chechen
- Bey
- Armenian
- Separatist
- Tbilisi
- Azerbaijani
- Caucasus
- Cleansing
- Sergei
- Passport
- Ssr
- Albanian
- Georgia
- Kurd
- Osman
- Russian
- Kazakh
- Secession
- Ukrainian
- Istanbul
- Citizenship
- Conflict
- Russo
- Bulgarian
- Princes
- Regional
- Gorge
- Orthodox
- Constantinople
- Drone
- Afro
- Ache
- Russia
- Nationality
- Igor
- Visa
- Turk
- Principality
- Greek
- Protester
- Turkey
- Kings
- Spy
- Socialist
- Descent
- Republic
- Leon
- Che
- Independence
- Ussr
- Su
- Vladimir
- Jews
- Crisis
- Princess
- Armenia
- Violation
- Moscow
- Militia
- Palace
- Minority
- Military
- Forces
- Prince
- Exile
- Minister
- Defence
- Federation
- Agreement
- Citizen
- Politician
- Chairman
- Index
- Opposition
ABKHAZIAN, adjective. Of or pertaining to Abkhazia, a disputed territory in Georgia. [Mid 19th century.]
ABKHAZIAN, noun. A native or inhabitant of Abkhazia, a region in the Caucasus. [Mid 19th century.]
ABKHAZIAN, proper noun. The Abkhaz language, spoken in Abkhazia, a region in the Caucasus. [Mid 19th century.]
Dictionary definition
ABKHAZIAN, noun. A member of the Circassian people who live to the east of the Black Sea.
ABKHAZIAN, noun. A Circassian language spoken by the Abkhaz.
ABKHAZIAN, adjective. Of or relating to Abkazia or its people or their language.
Wise words
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and
in fewer words than prose.