Associations to the word «Yamagata»
- Rachael
- Prefecture
- Meiji
- Joanna
- Hiroshima
- Pancho
- Nippon
- Nanotechnology
- Hokkaido
- Tokugawa
- Japan
- Osaka
- Edo
- Doug
- Lev
- Privatization
- Anson
- Nara
- Kyoto
- Tanaka
- Nan
- Mori
- Lander
- Expressway
- Samurai
- Tokyo
- Glover
- Nagasaki
- Nairobi
- Sumo
- Siemens
- Poe
- Zimmerman
- Akira
- Apr
- Takeover
- Held
- Aerospace
- Millimeter
- Domain
- Murdoch
- Overly
- Randolph
- Corporation
- Helium
- Greenhouse
- Fusion
- Mercenary
- Aug
- Main
- Rebuilding
- Shipbuilding
- Merger
- Trajectory
- Sep
- Heron
- Interrogation
- Railway
- Okinawa
- Tsunami
- Nodding
- Tag
- Royalty
- Terminus
- Cabinet
- Mom
- Cherry
- Emblem
- Imperial
- Baba
- European
- Marshal
- Lineage
- Oct
- Saga
- Aide
- Crane
- Fireplace
- Modern
- Kilometer
- Feb
YAMAGATA, proper noun. A city in Japan.
YAMAGATA, proper noun. A prefecture in Japan.
YAMAGATA, proper noun. A surname.
Wise words
In words, as fashions, the same rule will hold; Alike
fantastic, if too new, or old: Be not the first by whom the
new are tried, Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.