Associations to the word «Verner»
- Lionel
- Grimm
- Pride
- Bruno
- Dir
- Lucy
- Elmer
- Diarrhea
- Tempest
- Hansen
- Bernhard
- Jan
- Neill
- Lady
- Willoughby
- Armagh
- Pyramid
- Spokane
- Vip
- Lillian
- Discus
- Consonant
- Scarlett
- Linguist
- Karl
- Baronet
- Morrison
- Accent
- Cholera
- Skater
- Syllable
- Emil
- Nobel
- Shawl
- Swedish
- Pie
- Grievance
- Frederick
- Von
- Rufus
- Abbott
- Yuri
- Funk
- Bonnet
- Charleston
- Rachel
- Roy
- Chan
- Erik
- Frost
- Heir
- Verb
- Moore
- Carriage
- Syndrome
- Tumor
- Gerald
- Disappointment
- European
- Elena
- Archaeology
- Paulo
- Hans
- Mikhail
- Stephen
- Lace
- Furniture
- Conrad
- Conservative
- Mistress
- Astonishment
- Cole
- Boris
- Shift
- Sanskrit
- Morrow
- Misfortune
VERNER, proper noun. A surname.
VERNER, proper noun. A town in Ontario, Canada.
VERNER ALTERNATION, noun. (indo-european studies) The alternation between consonants in different forms of a word stem in the Germanic languages, as a result of Verner's law.
Dictionary definition
VERNER, noun. Danish philologist (1846-1896).
Wise words
Be generous with kindly words, especially about those who
are absent.