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Associations to the word «Venturi»


VENTURI, noun. A venturi tube.
VENTURI, noun. The throat of a carburetor.
VENTURI, noun. (rare) (pathology) A constriction in the flow of air to lungs.
VENTURI EFFECT, noun. (physics) (fluid mechanics) The reduction in fluid pressure that results when a fluid flows through a constriction.
VENTURI EFFECT, noun. Alternative letter-case form of venturi effect
VENTURI INJECTOR, noun. A component that utilizes venturi effect to inject a small amount of one fluid into the flow of another fluid. Used e.g. to inject fertilizer solution or other chemicals to water in irrigation systems.
VENTURI SCRUBBER, noun. A device that utilizes venturi effect to separate particles or droplets from a gas stream, used widely to reduce air pollution.
VENTURI TUBE, noun. Alternative letter-case form of venturi tube
VENTURI TUBE, noun. A tube with a constriction, utilizing venturi effect e.g. to measure the velocity or volume of a fluid flow.
VENTURI TUBES, noun. Plural of venturi tube
VENTURI TUBES, noun. Plural of Venturi tube

Dictionary definition

VENTURI, noun. United States architect (born in 1925).
VENTURI, noun. A tube with a constriction; used to control fluid flow (as in the air inlet of a carburetor).

Wise words

Words are cheap. The biggest thing you can say is 'elephant'.
Charlie Chaplin