Associations to the word «Throne»


THRONE, noun. The ornate seat a king or queen sits on for formal occasions, usually placed on a raised dais in the throne room.
THRONE, noun. The formal position of a sovereign.
THRONE, noun. (colloquial) The lavatory or toilet.
THRONE, noun. (Biblical tradition) The third highest order of angel in Christian angelology, ranked above dominions and below cherubim.
THRONE, noun. (music) A type of stool used by drummers.
THRONE, noun. (figuratively) The leadership.
THRONE, verb. (transitive) (archaic) To place on a royal seat; to enthrone.
THRONE, verb. (transitive) (archaic) To place in an elevated position; to give sovereignty or dominion to; to exalt.
THRONE, verb. (intransitive) (archaic) To be in, or sit upon, a throne; to be placed as if upon a throne.
THRONE ROOM, noun. A monarch's public audience chamber (usually large, ornate and designed to impress), where the throne is situated.
THRONE ROOMS, noun. Plural of throne room
THRONE SPEECH, noun. Alternative form of Speech from the Throne

Dictionary definition

THRONE, noun. The chair of state for a monarch, bishop, etc.; "the king sat on his throne".
THRONE, noun. A plumbing fixture for defecation and urination.
THRONE, noun. The position and power of an exalted person (a sovereign or bishop) who is entitled to sit in a chair of state on ceremonial occasions.
THRONE, verb. Sit on the throne as a ruler.
THRONE, verb. Put a monarch on the throne; "The Queen was enthroned more than 50 years ago".

Wise words

If you wish to know the mind of a man, listen to his words.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe