Associations to the word «Suggestion»


SUGGESTION, noun. (countable) Something suggested (with subsequent adposition being for)
SUGGESTION, noun. (uncountable) The act of suggesting.
SUGGESTION, noun. (countable) (psychology) Something implied, which the mind is liable to take as fact.
SUGGESTION BOX, noun. A receptacle with a opening in which people may place slips of paper containing suggestions for improvement, or for similar feedback
SUGGESTION BOXES, noun. Plural of suggestion box

Dictionary definition

SUGGESTION, noun. An idea that is suggested; "the picnic was her suggestion".
SUGGESTION, noun. A proposal offered for acceptance or rejection; "it was a suggestion we couldn't refuse".
SUGGESTION, noun. A just detectable amount; "he speaks French with a trace of an accent".
SUGGESTION, noun. Persuasion formulated as a suggestion.
SUGGESTION, noun. The sequential mental process in which one thought leads to another by association.
SUGGESTION, noun. The act of inducing hypnosis.

Wise words

Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.