Associations to the word «Simpler»
- Unaffected
- Sincere
- Concise
- Arithmetic
- Wholesome
- Toothed
- Honest
- Harmonic
- Manly
- Harmonious
- Geometrical
- Kindly
- Pious
- Sparse
- Truthful
- Efficient
- Rugged
- Affectionate
- Genial
- Enjoyable
- Pathetic
- Frank
- Compounded
- Effective
- Exponential
- Ignorant
- Quaint
- Graceful
- Timeless
- Simple
- Alternate
- Majestic
- Reliable
- Trusting
- Witty
- Sexy
- Rude
- Monotonous
- Industrious
- Elliptical
- Logical
- Vernacular
- Charming
- Euclidean
- Algebraic
- Affordable
- Virtuous
- Sober
- Refined
- Direct
- Quadratic
- Stark
- Pur
- Amiable
- Pastoral
- Elemental
- Practical
- Sturdy
- Sentimental
SIMPLE, adjective. Uncomplicated; taken by itself, with nothing added.
SIMPLE, adjective. Without ornamentation; plain.
SIMPLE, adjective. Free from duplicity; guileless, innocent, straightforward.
SIMPLE, adjective. Undistinguished in social condition; of no special rank.
SIMPLE, adjective. (now rare) Trivial; insignificant.
SIMPLE, adjective. (now colloquial) Feeble-minded; foolish.
SIMPLE, adjective. (heading) (technical) Structurally uncomplicated.
SIMPLE, adjective. (chemistry) Consisting of one single substance; uncompounded.
SIMPLE, adjective. (mathematics) Of a group: having no normal subgroup.
SIMPLE, adjective. (botany) Not compound, but possibly lobed.
SIMPLE, adjective. (zoology) Consisting of a single individual or zooid; not compound.
SIMPLE, adjective. (mineralogy) Homogenous.
SIMPLE, adjective. (obsolete) Mere; not other than; being only.
SIMPLE, noun. (medicine) A preparation made from one plant, as opposed to something made from more than one plant.
SIMPLE, noun. (obsolete) A term for a physician, derived from the medicinal term above.
SIMPLE, noun. (logic) A simple or atomic proposition.
SIMPLE, noun. (obsolete) Something not mixed or compounded.
SIMPLE, noun. (weaving) A drawloom.
SIMPLE, noun. (weaving) Part of the apparatus for raising the heddles of a drawloom.
SIMPLE, noun. (Roman Catholic) A feast which is not a double or a semidouble.
SIMPLE, verb. (transitive) (intransitive) (archaic) To gather simples, ie, medicinal herbs.
SIMPLE CONNECTEDNESS, noun. (topology) The state of being simply connected.
SIMPLE CONNECTIVITY, noun. (topology) The state of being simply connected.
SIMPLE ENGINE, noun. An engine that has only a single stage, contrasting to a compound engine, compound locomotive, or triple expansion engine, which use multiple stages to improve efficiency.
SIMPLE ENGINE, noun. A steam engine that does not use a separate condenser to create suction and thereby improve efficiency.
SIMPLE ENGINES, noun. Plural of simple engine
SIMPLE ENGLISH, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see simple, English.
SIMPLE ENGLISH, noun. (uncountable) Constructed language created by Charles Kay Ogden which only contains a small number of words
SIMPLE ENGLISH, noun. (uncountable) Controlled language originally developed for aerospace industry maintenance manuals
SIMPLE ENGLISHES, noun. Plural of simple English
SIMPLE FRACTION, noun. (mathematics) (arithmetic) A fraction in which both the numerator and the denominator consist of whole numbers.
SIMPLE FRUIT, noun. (botany) A fruit that develops from either a single or compound ovary within a flower with a single pistil.
SIMPLE FUNCTION, noun. (analysis) Any complex-valued measurable function whose range is finite.
SIMPLE FUNCTIONS, noun. Plural of simple function
SIMPLE FUTURE, adjective. (grammar) Describing the tense which describes a future action. In English this uses forms of will, shall or be going to.
SIMPLE FUTURE, noun. (grammar) The future tense.
SIMPLE GROUP, noun. (group theory) a group which has no normal subgroup apart from the trivial group and itself
SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION, noun. (mathematics) (physics) oscillating motion (as of a pendulum) in which the acceleration of the oscillator has an equal magnitude but opposite direction to the displacement of it from the equilibrium position
SIMPLE INTEREST, noun. (finance) interest paid only on the principal.
SIMPLE KNOT, noun. A common knot used to tie a necktie.
SIMPLE MACHINE, noun. (physics) A device that only requires the application of a single force to work.
SIMPLE MACHINES, noun. Plural of simple machine
SIMPLE MAJORITIES, noun. Plural of simple majority
SIMPLE MAJORITY, noun. (British) A plurality; the most of any alternative.
SIMPLE MAJORITY, noun. (North America) A majority; more than half.
SIMPLE METER, noun. (music) meter with two subdivisions for every pulse
SIMPLE MICROSCOPE, noun. A microscope with only one lens.
SIMPLE MICROSCOPES, noun. Plural of simple microscope
SIMPLE PAST, noun. (grammar) A tense used to describe something that happened in the past, formed by inflection of a single word (i.e., without any auxiliary verb such as be or have).
SIMPLE PASTS, noun. Plural of simple past
SIMPLE PENDULUM, noun. (physics) A hypothetical pendulum consisting of a weight suspended by a weightless string.
SIMPLE PRESENT, noun. (grammar) the present tense; a sentence in this tense
SIMPLE QUADRUPLE TIME, noun. (music) A meter or rhythm with four beats to a measure and four beats to a whole note. Specifically common time.
SIMPLE SENTENCE, noun. (grammar) A sentence that contains one independent clause and no dependent clause.
SIMPLE SENTENCES, noun. Plural of simple sentence
SIMPLE SIMON, noun. A fool, or gullible person.
SIMPLE SIMON OVER, noun. A type of bend knot used to join two ropes.
SIMPLE SIMON OVERS, noun. Plural of Simple Simon over
SIMPLE SIMON UNDER, noun. A type of bend knot used to join two ropes, variation of the Simple Simon over.
SIMPLE SIMON UNDERS, noun. Plural of Simple Simon under
SIMPLE SIMONS, noun. Plural of Simple Simon
SIMPLE SYRUP, noun. A mixture of sugar and water used as a basis for sauces and preserves, as well as a mixer in mixed drinks
SIMPLE SYRUPS, noun. Plural of simple syrup
Dictionary definition
SIMPLE, noun. Any herbaceous plant having medicinal properties.
SIMPLE, noun. A person lacking intelligence or common sense.
SIMPLE, adjective. Having few parts; not complex or complicated or involved; "a simple problem"; "simple mechanisms"; "a simple design"; "a simple substance".
SIMPLE, adjective. Easy and not involved or complicated; "an elementary problem in statistics"; "elementary, my dear Watson"; "a simple game"; "found an uncomplicated solution to the problem".
SIMPLE, adjective. Apart from anything else; without additions or modifications; "only the bare facts"; "shocked by the mere idea"; "the simple passage of time was enough"; "the simple truth".
SIMPLE, adjective. Exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity; "childlike trust"; "dewy-eyed innocence"; "listened in round-eyed wonder".
SIMPLE, adjective. Lacking mental capacity and subtlety.
SIMPLE, adjective. (botany) of leaf shapes; of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions.
SIMPLE, adjective. Unornamented; "a simple country schoolhouse"; "her black dress--simple to austerity".
Wise words
Love. Fall in love and stay in love. Write only what you
love, and love what you write. The key word is love. You
have to get up in the morning and write something you love,
something to live for.