Associations to the word «Shoulder»


SHOULDER, noun. (heading) The part of an animal's body between the base of the neck and forearm socket.
SHOULDER, noun. The part of the human torso forming a relatively horizontal surface running away from the neck.
SHOULDER, noun. (anatomy) The joint between the arm and the torso, sometimes including the surrounding muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
SHOULDER, noun. A cut of meat comprised of the upper joint of the foreleg and the surrounding muscle.
SHOULDER, noun. The portion of a garment where the shoulder is clothed.
SHOULDER, noun. Anything forming a shape resembling a human shoulder.
SHOULDER, noun. (heading) (topography) A shelf between two levels.
SHOULDER, noun. A part of a road where drivers may stop in an emergency; a hard shoulder.
SHOULDER, noun. The portion of a hill or mountain just below the peak.
SHOULDER, noun. The lateral protrusion of a hill or mountain.
SHOULDER, noun. The angle of a bastion included between the face and flank.
SHOULDER, noun. An abrupt projection which forms an abutment on an object, or limits motion, etc., such as the projection around a tenon at the end of a piece of timber.
SHOULDER, noun. (printing) The flat portion of type that is below the bevelled portion that joins up with the face.
SHOULDER, noun. (heading) (of an object) The portion below the neck.
SHOULDER, noun. (music) The rounded portion of stringed instrument where the neck joins the body.
SHOULDER, noun. The rounded portion of a bottle where the neck meets the body.
SHOULDER, noun. (firearms) The angled section between the neck and the main body of a cartridge.
SHOULDER, noun. (figurative) That which supports or sustains; support.
SHOULDER, verb. (transitive) To push (a person or thing) using one's shoulder.
SHOULDER, verb. (transitive) To carry (something) on one's shoulders.
SHOULDER, verb. (transitive) (figuratively) To bear a burden, as a financial obligation.
SHOULDER, verb. (transitive) To put (something) on one's shoulders.
SHOULDER, verb. (transitive) (figuratively) To accept responsibility for.
SHOULDER, verb. (transitive) To place (something) against one's shoulders.
SHOULDER, verb. (transitive) To form a shape resembling a shoulder.
SHOULDER, verb. (intransitive) To move by or as if by using one's shoulders.
SHOULDER, verb. (transitive) To round and slightly raise the top edges of slate shingles so that they form a tighter fit at the lower edge and can be swung aside to expose the nail.
SHOULDER, verb. (intransitive) To slope downwards from the crest and whitewater portion of a wave.
SHOULDER ANGEL, noun. An angel representing a person's conscience in works of fiction, portrayed as sitting on one shoulder while a shoulder devil occupies the other.
SHOULDER ANGELS, noun. Plural of shoulder angel
SHOULDER ARMS, verb. (intransitive) (military) Of a soldier at drill, to place a rifle on the right shoulder, with the forearm parallel to the ground and the hand holding the butt.
SHOULDER ARMS, verb. (intransitive) (cricket) To deliberately lift the bat out of the path of the ball when it is judged to be missing the wicket.
SHOULDER BAG, noun. Any bag with a single strap designed to be carried on the shoulder.
SHOULDER BAGS, noun. Plural of shoulder bag
SHOULDER BLADE, noun. Either of the large flat bones at the back of the shoulder.
SHOULDER BLADES, noun. Plural of shoulder blade
SHOULDER BLOCK, noun. (nautical) A block with a projection, or shoulder, near the upper end, so that it can rest against a spar without jamming the rope.
SHOULDER BLOCKS, noun. Plural of shoulder block
SHOULDER BONE, noun. Another name of shoulder blade.
SHOULDER CHECK, verb. (intransitive) (Canada) To look backwards over one’s shoulder while driving, before changing lanes, to see if any vehicles are in the blind spot.
SHOULDER DEVIL, noun. A devil representing a person's temptations in works of fiction, portrayed as sitting on one shoulder while a shoulder angel occupies the other.
SHOULDER DEVILS, noun. Plural of shoulder devil
SHOULDER GIRDLE, noun. (anatomy) The human pectoral girdle, consisting of the collarbones and shoulder blades
SHOULDER GIRDLES, noun. Plural of shoulder girdle
SHOULDER JOINT, noun. A common term for glenohumeral joint.
SHOULDER JOINTS, noun. Plural of shoulder joint
SHOULDER PAD, noun. A type of padding sometimes used in clothing to give the wearer the illusion of less sloping shoulders.
SHOULDER PAD, noun. A piece of protective equipment used in American and Canadian football.
SHOULDER POLE, noun. A carrying pole.
SHOULDER POLES, noun. Plural of shoulder pole
SHOULDER SEASON, noun. (travel industry) The time between high and low season in a travel market, or, if the market is divided into four segments, the time just below high season.
SHOULDER SEASONS, noun. Plural of shoulder season
SHOULDER SURF, verb. To engage in shoulder surfing.
SHOULDER SURFER, noun. Someone who engages in shoulder surfing.
SHOULDER SURFERS, noun. Plural of shoulder surfer
SHOULDER SURFING, noun. The use of direct observation, such as looking over someone's shoulder at an ATM, in order to obtain information
SHOULDER SURFING, noun. A technique in surfing requiring less skill, riding the wave lower down than its critical point
SHOULDER THE BURDEN, verb. To take on a responsibility.
SHOULDER TO CRY ON, noun. (idiomatic) Someone offering emotional support to another in distress

Dictionary definition

SHOULDER, noun. The part of the body between the neck and the upper arm.
SHOULDER, noun. A cut of meat including the upper joint of the foreleg.
SHOULDER, noun. A ball-and-socket joint between the head of the humerus and a cavity of the scapula.
SHOULDER, noun. The part of a garment that covers or fits over the shoulder; "an ornamental gold braid on the shoulder of his uniform".
SHOULDER, noun. A narrow edge of land (usually unpaved) along the side of a road; "the car pulled off onto the shoulder".
SHOULDER, verb. Lift onto one's shoulders.
SHOULDER, verb. Push with the shoulders; "He shouldered his way into the crowd".
SHOULDER, verb. Carry a burden, either real or metaphoric; "shoulder the burden".

Wise words

Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.
Nathaniel Hawthorne