Associations to the word «Scylla»
- Odysseus
- Messina
- Gretchen
- Poseidon
- Siren
- Ulysses
- Shrike
- Nymph
- Cyclops
- Monster
- Odyssey
- Crab
- Strait
- Ovid
- Hms
- Cary
- Sicily
- Mangrove
- Hydra
- Steer
- Whistler
- Lair
- Sphinx
- Hugo
- Medusa
- Christina
- Homer
- Buyer
- Metamorphosis
- Troll
- Potion
- Argonaut
- Buffy
- Idiom
- Sara
- Mythology
- Bathing
- Retrieve
- Jealousy
- Oar
- Gil
- Lincoln
- Convoy
- Wyatt
- Frigate
- Steal
- Mariner
- Mud
- Eater
- Witch
- Orion
- Avenger
- Liz
- Wreck
- Bag
- Cave
- Hercules
- Maiden
- Cruiser
- Sea
- Lotus
- Sailor
- Rock
- Myth
- Michael
- Goddess
- Slaughter
- Glacier
- Den
- Troy
- Airway
- Elliott
- Ox
- Sibling
SCYLLA, proper noun. A dangerous rock on the Italian coast opposite the whirlpool Charybdis on the coast of Sicily. The passage between Scylla and Charybdis was formerly considered perilous; hence, the saying between Scylla and Charybdis signifies a great peril on either hand.
SCYLLA, proper noun. (Greek mythology) A personification of the above rock as a ravenous monster.
Dictionary definition
SCYLLA, noun. (Greek mythology) a sea nymph transformed into a sea monster who lived on one side of a narrow strait; drowned and devoured sailors who tried to escape Charybdis (a whirlpool) on the other side of the strait.
Wise words
Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul