Associations to the word «Sanitary»


SANITARY, adjective. Of, or relating to health
SANITARY, adjective. Clean and free from pathogens; hygienic
SANITARY DISTRICT, noun. Either of two types of civil authorities set up in England in the late 19th century to be responsible for public health
SANITARY NAPKIN, noun. A pad of cotton or other absorbent material worn by women to absorb the menstrual flow.
SANITARY NAPKINS, noun. Plural of sanitary napkin
SANITARY TOWEL, noun. A pad of cotton or other absorbent material worn by women to absorb the menstrual flow.
SANITARY TOWELS, noun. Plural of sanitary towel
SANITARY WARE, noun. The ceramic wares often found in a bathroom/toilet including WCs, sinks, urinals etc.
SANITARY WARES, noun. Plural of sanitary ware

Dictionary definition

SANITARY, adjective. Free from filth and pathogens; "sanitary conditions for preparing food"; "a sanitary washroom".

Wise words

The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.
Thomas Jefferson