Associations to the word «Rigor»


RIGOR, noun. US spelling of rigour
RIGOR, noun. (slang) an abbreviated form of rigor mortis.
RIGOR CALORIS, noun. (biology) A form of rigor mortis induced by heat, as when the muscle of a mammal is heated to about 50°C.
RIGOR MORTIS, noun. Temporary stiffness of a body's muscles and joints following death.

Dictionary definition

RIGOR, noun. Something hard to endure; "the asperity of northern winters".
RIGOR, noun. The quality of being valid and rigorous.
RIGOR, noun. Excessive sternness; "severity of character"; "the harshness of his punishment was inhuman"; "the rigors of boot camp".

Wise words

Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.