Associations to the word «Reverse»
- Icon
- Momentum
- Stance
- Haryana
- Engraving
- Engineering
- Torque
- Flash
- Leinster
- Plaintiff
- Coat
- Depiction
- Policy
- Injunction
- Dependent
- Deficit
- Hallmark
- Cloning
- Flip
- Lender
- Transmission
- Calculator
- Symmetry
- Calamity
- Presumption
- Medal
- Logistics
- Undertaker
- Favor
- Conduction
- Capacitor
- Slope
- Kneeling
- Chronology
- Amendment
- Seal
- Parity
- Mutation
- Peso
- Cathode
- Athena
- Affliction
- Increment
- Wastewater
- Cipher
- Driveway
- Saturation
- Compressor
- Normal
- Anion
- Strand
- Predecessor
- Tide
- Portrait
- Turbine
- Opinion
- Inflation
- Semiconductor
- Gradient
- Cent
- Bihar
- Eagle
- Dismissal
REVERSE, adjective. Opposite, contrary; going in the opposite direction. [from 14th c.]
REVERSE, adjective. Pertaining to engines, vehicle movement etc. moving in a direction opposite to the usual direction. [from 19th c.]
REVERSE, adjective. (rail transport) (of points) To be in the non-default position; to be set for the lesser-used route.
REVERSE, adjective. Turned upside down; greatly disturbed.
REVERSE, adjective. (botany) Reversed.
REVERSE, adjective. (genetics) In which cDNA synthetization is obtained from an RNA template.
REVERSE, adverb. (now rare) In a reverse way or direction; upside-down. [from 14thc.]
REVERSE, noun. The opposite of something. [from 14th c.]
REVERSE, noun. The act of going backwards; a reversal. [from 15th c.]
REVERSE, noun. A piece of misfortune; a setback. [from 16th c.]
REVERSE, noun. The tails side of a coin, or the side of a medal or badge that is opposite the obverse. [from 17th c.]
REVERSE, noun. The side of something facing away from a viewer, or from what is considered the front; the other side. [from 18th c.]
REVERSE, noun. The gear setting of an automobile that makes it travel backwards. [from 19th c.]
REVERSE, noun. A thrust in fencing made with a backward turn of the hand; a backhanded stroke.
REVERSE, noun. (surgery) A turn or fold made in bandaging, by which the direction of the bandage is changed.
REVERSE, verb. (intransitive) To turn something around such that it faces in the opposite direction.
REVERSE, verb. (intransitive) To turn something inside out or upside down.
REVERSE, verb. (intransitive) To transpose the positions of two things.
REVERSE, verb. (transitive) To change totally; to alter to the opposite.
REVERSE, verb. (obsolete) (intransitive) To return, come back.
REVERSE, verb. (obsolete) (transitive) To turn away; to cause to depart.
REVERSE, verb. (obsolete) (transitive) To cause to return; to recall.
REVERSE, verb. (legal) To revoke a law, or to change a decision into its opposite.
REVERSE, verb. (ergative) To cause a mechanism or a vehicle to operate or move in the opposite direction to normal.
REVERSE, verb. (chemistry) To change the direction of a reaction such that the products become the reactants and vice-versa.
REVERSE, verb. (rail transport) (transitive) To place a set of points in the reverse position
REVERSE, verb. (rail transport) (intransitive) (of points) to move from the normal position to the reverse position
REVERSE, verb. To overthrow; to subvert.
REVERSE 911 CALL, noun. A call initiated by emergency services to telephone numbers, to, for example, announce a mandatory evacuation.
REVERSE 911 CALLS, noun. Plural of reverse 911 call
REVERSE ARMS, noun. (military) A position of a soldier in which the piece passes between the right elbow and the body at an angle of 45°.
REVERSE BOUSTROPHEDON, noun. A form of boustrophedon in which the page is rotated by 180 degrees after writing each line, so that alternate lines are upside down relative to one another.
REVERSE CASCADE, noun. (juggling) A pattern performed with an odd number of props where each prop is caught by the opposite hand and thrown over the incoming prop, in contrast with the traditional cascade where the prop is thrown under.
REVERSE CHOPS, noun. (juggling) (plurale tantum) A pattern involving carrying each object under the next object before throwing it to the opposite hand.
REVERSE COMMUTE, noun. A trip to a more urban area in the evening, or from it in the morning.
REVERSE COMMUTER, noun. Someone who travels to a more urban area in the evening and from it in the morning.
REVERSE COMMUTERS, noun. Plural of reverse commuter
REVERSE COMMUTES, noun. Plural of reverse commute
REVERSE CONFIGURE, verb. (transitive) (computing) to determine an item's characteristics solely based on an identifier such as material number, catalog code, or part number.
REVERSE COWGIRL POSITION, noun. A sex position in which the man lies on his back, and the woman sits on top of him facing towards his feet.
REVERSE DISCRIMINATION, noun. (legal) (ethics) (public policy) The policy or practice of discriminating against members of a designated group which has in the past unfairly received preferential treatment in social, legal, educational, or employment situations, with the intention of benefiting one or more other groups (such as racial, disabled, or gender groups) that have previously been discriminated against.
REVERSE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, noun. Violence committed by one member of a family or household against another where the abuser is considered weaker than the victim.
REVERSE DOWRY, noun. A sum of money or other valuables paid by a bridegroom or on his behalf to the family of the bride, in some cultures.
REVERSE DUNK, noun. (basketball) A dunk in which the player's back is to the basket when the ball is dunked.
REVERSE ELECTRODIALYSIS, noun. The salinity gradient energy retrieved from the difference in the salt concentration between seawater and river water.
REVERSE ENGINEER, verb. Alternative spelling of reverse-engineer
REVERSE ENGINEERING, noun. The process of analyzing the construction and operation of a product in order to manufacture a similar one.
REVERSE ENGINEERING, noun. (computing) (specifically) To obtain source code from an executable.
REVERSE FAULT, noun. (geology) A type of fault in which the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall.
REVERSE FAULTS, noun. Plural of reverse fault
REVERSE FERRET, noun. (UK media) A sudden volte-face in an organisation's editorial line on a certain issue, especially one without acknowledgment of the previous position.
REVERSE GANGBANG, noun. Sexual intercourse involving more than two persons with a high proportion of women who are dominant over one or a few men; the opposite of a gangbang.
REVERSE GANGBANGS, noun. Plural of reverse gangbang
REVERSE GENETIC, adjective. Attributive form of reverse genetics
REVERSE GENETICS, noun. The practice of finding functions of known genes.
REVERSE IMPLIED ODDS, noun. (poker) The odds offered by the amount one stands to lose in future betting when one has the worst hand against the amount one stands to win when one has the best hand.
REVERSE INTAGLIO, noun. (arts) (printing) A design impressed into the back of transparent or translucent items.
REVERSE JINX, noun. A prediction which is the opposite of the outcome desired by the person making it.
REVERSE JINXES, noun. Plural of reverse jinx
REVERSE LAYUP, noun. (basketball) A running in which the shooter dives under the basket and shoots the ball straight away from the basket.
REVERSE LINK, noun. (telecommunications) In radio communications, the link from a mobile user to a fixed base station. If the link includes a communications relay satellite, the reverse link will consist of both an uplink (mobile station to satellite) and a downlink (satellite to base station).
REVERSE MORTGAGE, noun. An agreement under which money is borrowed to be repaid only when the borrower sells their home or dies or moves.
REVERSE MORTGAGES, noun. Plural of reverse mortgage
REVERSE OSMOSIS, noun. (chemistry) a technique whereby a solution is forced through a semipermeable membrane under pressure; used to generate drinkable water from sea water, or to separate chemical compounds
REVERSE PANDA, noun. (informal) An undesired effect involving light makeup applied around the eyes appearing as white circles or patches, especially in a photograph or video due to intense lighting or a camera flash.
REVERSE PASS, noun. (soccer) A pass in which the player runs in the opposite direction to where he passed.
REVERSE PICKPOCKET, verb. Alternative form of reverse-pickpocket
REVERSE PICKPOCKET, noun. One who reverse-pickpockets, that is, who puts stuff in people's pockets without their knowledge
REVERSE PICKPOCKETED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of reverse pickpocket
REVERSE PICKPOCKETING, verb. Present participle of reverse pickpocket
REVERSE PICKPOCKETS, verb. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reverse pickpocket
REVERSE PICKPOCKETS, noun. Plural of reverse pickpocket
REVERSE POLISH NOTATION, noun. (arithmetic) an arithmetic notation in which numbers precede the operators to be applied to them.
REVERSE PROXIES, noun. Plural of reverse proxy
REVERSE PROXY, noun. (Internet) A proxy that retrieves information on behalf of a client from a/several servers
REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY, noun. (psychology) The advocacy of one course of action in such a way as to persuade someone to take an opposite course
REVERSE QUESTION, noun. A question in a television interview that was actually recorded after the interview took place, and is presented as a cutaway scene. The technique is commonly used where only one camera was present at the interview, as a way of creating the appearance of multiple camera angles and showing a scene of the interviewer asking the question, rather than the interviewee listening to the question.
REVERSE QUESTIONS, noun. Plural of reverse question
REVERSE RACISM, noun. Racism against the racial majority (either a member or group of that majority or the majority in general), as a result of favourable treatment given to the minority.
REVERSE RACIST, noun. One who promotes or takes part in reverse racism.
REVERSE RACISTS, noun. Plural of reverse racist
REVERSE SHOT, noun. (cinematography) A shot in which one character is shown looking back at another, unseen, character
REVERSE SWEEP, noun. (cricket) A batsman's shot made by swinging the bat in a horizontal arc from leg to off, normally whilst kneeling.
REVERSE SWEEP, verb. (cricket) To play such a shot.
REVERSE SWING, noun. (cricket) Sideways movement of the old ball through the air in the opposite direction to normal swing.
REVERSE SWING, verb. (of a bowler) To make the ball so behave.
REVERSE SWING, verb. (of the ball) To swing in this manner.
REVERSE THE CHARGE, verb. (intransitive) (British) To make a telephone call for which the party who is called agrees to pay.
REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE, noun. (enzyme) A polymerase that catalyzes the formation of DNA from RNA; found in retroviruses.
REVERSE TRANSCRIPTION, noun. (genetics) The process of creating double-stranded DNA from a single-stranded RNA template (the reverse of the standard process)
REVERSE VIDEO, noun. (computing) (dated) Inverse video.
Dictionary definition
REVERSE, noun. A relation of direct opposition; "we thought Sue was older than Bill but just the reverse was true".
REVERSE, noun. The gears by which the motion of a machine can be reversed.
REVERSE, noun. An unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating.
REVERSE, noun. The side of a coin or medal that does not bear the principal design.
REVERSE, noun. (American football) a running play in which a back running in one direction hands the ball to a back running in the opposite direction.
REVERSE, noun. Turning in the opposite direction.
REVERSE, verb. Change to the contrary; "The trend was reversed"; "the tides turned against him"; "public opinion turned when it was revealed that the president had an affair with a White House intern".
REVERSE, verb. Turn inside out or upside down.
REVERSE, verb. Rule against; "The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill".
REVERSE, verb. Cancel officially; "He revoked the ban on smoking"; "lift an embargo"; "vacate a death sentence".
REVERSE, verb. Reverse the position, order, relation, or condition of; "when forming a question, invert the subject and the verb".
REVERSE, adjective. Directed or moving toward the rear; "a rearward glance"; "a rearward movement".
REVERSE, adjective. Of the transmission gear causing backward movement in a motor vehicle; "in reverse gear".
REVERSE, adjective. Reversed (turned backward) in order or nature or effect.
Wise words
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes
are truly endless.