Associations to the word «Newcastle»
- Inverness
- Tko
- Gladstone
- Bulldog
- League
- Borough
- Wakefield
- Salford
- Ridley
- Scoring
- Bede
- Bangor
- Mp
- Quay
- Gothenburg
- Hobart
- Rupert
- Richardson
- Midlands
- Kingston
- Spartan
- Europa
- Footballer
- Pitt
- Fusilier
- Waters
- Herald
- Collingwood
- Joining
- Shipyard
- Parliamentarian
- Steamship
- Wednesday
- Wear
- Goal
- Schoolboy
- Athletic
- Eagle
- Jacobite
- Apprenticeship
- Clinton
- Defeat
- Australia
- Griffiths
- Fee
- Henrietta
- Preston
- Hometown
- Spence
- Cheltenham
- Manager
- Sutherland
- Chester
- Stadium
- Diocese
- Nolan
- Collier
- Bury
- Fleetwood
- Queensland
- Jonny
- Alan
- Travelling
- Rooney
- Gloucester
- Stephens
- Bsc
- Rfc
- Born
- Pearce
- Queens
- Club
- Win
- Barton
- Faye
- Breaker
- Trainee
- Guthrie
- Br
- Swan
- Centre
- Piccadilly
- Bard
- Railway
- Ltd
- Dow
- Bedford
- Chronicle
NEWCASTLE, proper noun. A city in northeastern England; properly Newcastle upon Tyne
NEWCASTLE, proper noun. A city in New South Wales, Australia, situated at the mouth of the Hunter River.
NEWCASTLE, proper noun. Any of several places in the UK, Ireland, and USA.
NEWCASTLE DISEASE, noun. A highly contagious disease of poultry, caused by the Newcastle disease virus
NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, proper noun. A city in the county of Tyne and Wear in the Northeast England.
Dictionary definition
NEWCASTLE, noun. A port city in northeastern England on the River Tyne; a center for coal exports (giving rise to the expression `carry coals to Newcastle' meaning to do something unnecessary).
Wise words
When ideas fail, words come in very handy.