Associations to the word «Neapolitan»


NEAPOLITAN, adjective. Pertaining to Naples.
NEAPOLITAN, adjective. Describing an ice cream combination of the flavours chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry in order.
NEAPOLITAN, adjective. (dated) Describing a variety of ice cream made with eggs as well as cream.
NEAPOLITAN, noun. An inhabitant or resident of Naples.
NEAPOLITAN, proper noun. The language of Naples, Italy.
NEAPOLITAN CHORD, noun. (music) a major chord with the lowered supertonic scale degree as the root, denoted as ♭IIb in Roman Numeral Notation.
NEAPOLITAN CHORDS, noun. Plural of Neapolitan chord

Dictionary definition

NEAPOLITAN, noun. A native or inhabitant of Naples.
NEAPOLITAN, adjective. Of or relating to or characteristic of Naples or its people.

Wise words

Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and meanings differently arranged have different effects.
Blaise Pascal