Associations to the word «Ndebele»
- Zulu
- Zimbabwe
- Transvaal
- Rhodesia
- Burnham
- Rhodes
- Botswana
- Jameson
- Boer
- Naga
- Incursion
- Bu
- Natal
- Colonialism
- Yoruba
- Pretoria
- Pandit
- Totem
- Inuit
- Serf
- Rudd
- Concession
- Navajo
- Malawi
- Protectorate
- Africa
- Ern
- Nissan
- Zambia
- Settler
- Mozambique
- Riddle
- Joshua
- Southern
- Rising
- Northern
- Initiation
- Esther
- Apache
- Revolt
- Norwegian
- Gaza
- English
- Tribe
- Raid
- Cecil
- Uprising
- Language
- Tanzania
- Maxim
- Homestead
- Algeria
- Cattle
- Click
- Angola
- Cape
- Speaker
- Nu
- Islander
- Ancestor
- Warrior
- European
- Pm
- African
- Migration
- Countryside
- Hills
- Ghana
- Minority
- Rebellion
- Sudan
- South
- Mining
- Unity
- Independence
- Clan
- Doll
- Index
- Painting
- Conflict
NDEBELE, noun. A people of South Africa.
NDEBELE, noun. A people of Zimbabwe.
NDEBELE, proper noun. Any of the languages spoken by these two peoples: North Ndebele and the not closely related South Ndebele
Dictionary definition
NDEBELE, noun. A Bantu language sometimes considered a dialect of Zulu.
Wise words
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes
are truly endless.