Associations to the word «Mythical»
- Antiquity
- Past
- Pandora
- Invocation
- Cupid
- Exploit
- Divination
- Bce
- Apollo
- Hinduism
- Wandering
- Fantasy
- Hera
- Dynasty
- Alchemist
- Amazon
- Trojan
- Homeland
- Belief
- Ode
- Buddha
- Recount
- Sprite
- Tortoise
- Heroine
- Founder
- Ulysses
- Bird
- Snake
- Stag
- Rishi
- Roc
- Abduction
- Siren
- Papyrus
- Chronicler
- Athens
- Leland
- Quest
- Persia
- Chronology
- Giant
- Dwarf
- Brahma
- Odyssey
- Alchemy
- Continent
- Sanskrit
- Buddhist
- Descent
- Genesis
- Merlin
- Elephant
- Elf
- Aborigine
- Stature
- Gods
- Mortal
- Fertility
- Claus
- Portraying
- Vampire
- Demon
- Carving
- Pillar
MYTHICAL, adjective. Existing in myth.
MYTHICAL, adjective. (by extension) Not real; false or fabricated.
Dictionary definition
MYTHICAL, adjective. Based on or told of in traditional stories; lacking factual basis or historical validity; "mythical centaurs"; "the fabulous unicorn".
Wise words
Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one
good poem, see one exquisite picture, and, if possible,
speak a few sensible words.