Associations to the word «Labouring»
- Delusion
- Labourer
- Oar
- Peasantry
- Chadwick
- Class
- Cato
- Convict
- Toil
- Capitalist
- Zeal
- Idleness
- Workman
- Affliction
- Labour
- Plough
- Artisan
- Wage
- Subsistence
- Striving
- Piety
- Fifty
- Excitement
- Insanity
- Forty
- Distress
- Dwelling
- Burden
- Ration
- Exertion
- Steed
- Overseer
- Multitude
- Landlord
- Endeavour
- Mankind
- Till
- Lament
- Neighbour
- Prejudice
- Breath
- Favourite
- Employment
- Corn
- Masse
- Dictator
- Misery
- Thou
- Undertaking
- Allowance
- Oppression
- Tenant
- Digging
- Antwerp
- Sinking
- Enjoyment
- Bark
- Countenance
- Cottage
- Lodging
- Render
- Restraint
- Biographer
- Enclosure
- Sigh
LABOURING, verb. (British) (Canada) present participle of labour
LABOURING, noun. The act of one who labours; toil; work done.
Dictionary definition
LABOURING, adjective. Doing arduous or unpleasant work; "drudging peasants"; "the bent backs of laboring slaves picking cotton"; "toiling coal miners in the black deeps".
Wise words
Every once in a while, you let a word or phrase out and you
want to catch it and bring it back. You can't do that. It's
gone, gone forever.