Associations to the word «Kellogg»
- Marketing
- Ammonia
- Root
- Dow
- Rice
- Analyst
- Honey
- Erickson
- Diet
- Abigail
- Mini
- Zoologist
- Subsidiary
- Calorie
- Deformity
- Industrialist
- Advertising
- Leonard
- Whaling
- Mcgee
- Steven
- Steamboat
- Patricia
- Fellowship
- Kendrick
- Mcdonald
- Mccormick
- Trademark
- Eastman
- Mellon
- Waldo
- Samoa
- Brand
- Flavor
- Emory
- Grain
- Kerr
- Impeachment
- Chevrolet
- Manure
- Samsung
- Nietzsche
- Hubbard
- Nutrition
- Sponsorship
- Louisiana
- Gymnastics
- Roth
- Philanthropy
- Freeway
- Lizzie
- Interchange
- Horace
- Baxter
- Stephen
- Inventor
- Seth
- Kant
- Campus
- Davis
- Ceo
- Lena
- Laura
- Disney
- Snap
- Derek
- Cracking
- Keller
- Anthony
- Sachs
- Eliza
- Republican
- Elmer
- Umpire
- Loop
- Whitman
- Reformer
- Friedman
- Flavour
- Hopkins
- Illustrator
- Butter
- Stephenson
- Frances
- Cal
- Jeep
- Inauguration
- Obesity
- Temperance
KELLOGG, proper noun. An English surname, originally a nickname for a butcher from "kill hog".
KELLOGG, proper noun. An surname, Anglicized from Ó Ceallaigh.
Dictionary definition
KELLOGG, noun. United States food manufacturer who (with his brother) developed a breakfast cereal of crisp flakes of rolled and toasted wheat and corn; he established a company to manufacture the cereal (1860-1951).
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.