Associations to the word «Incapable»


INCAPABLE, adjective. Not capable (of doing something); unable.
INCAPABLE, adjective. Not in a state to receive; not receptive; not susceptible; not able to admit.
INCAPABLE, noun. (dated) One who is morally or mentally weak or inefficient; an imbecile; a simpleton.

Dictionary definition

INCAPABLE, adjective. (followed by `of') lacking capacity or ability; "incapable of carrying a tune"; "he is incapable of understanding the matter"; "incapable of doing the work".
INCAPABLE, adjective. Not being susceptible to or admitting of something (usually followed by `of'); "incapable of solution".
INCAPABLE, adjective. (followed by `of') not having the temperament or inclination for; "simply incapable of lying".
INCAPABLE, adjective. Not meeting requirements; "unequal to the demands put upon him".

Wise words

Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.