Associations to the word «Hussein»
- Downfall
- Medina
- Emirate
- Highness
- Eldest
- Ala
- Sudan
- Kuala
- Mandela
- Intelligence
- Prophet
- Pentagon
- Inspector
- Imperialism
- Nations
- Containment
- Presidency
- Magnate
- Capture
- Mcqueen
- Pact
- Bahrain
- President
- Interim
- Euphrates
- Deadline
- Detainee
- Sahib
- Babylon
- Adviser
- Governorate
- Malay
- Threat
- Afghanistan
- Blair
- Bodyguard
- Shaker
- Horace
- Prince
- Collar
- Monarchy
- Castro
- Nawab
- Removal
- Un
- Kitchener
- Tribunal
- El
- Aggression
- Exile
- Buildup
- Gardiner
- Dar
- Bel
- Ruler
- Gunman
- Zanzibar
- Leader
- Ib
- Armand
- Pas
- Diplomacy
- Allegation
- Shrine
- Justification
- Accused
- Killing
- Qatar
HUSSEIN, proper noun. Alternative spelling of Husayn
Dictionary definition
HUSSEIN, noun. Iraqi leader who waged war against Iran; his invasion of Kuwait led to the Gulf War (born in 1937).
HUSSEIN, noun. King of Jordan credited with creating stability at home and seeking peace with Israel (1935-1999).
Wise words
A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.