Associations to the word «Honorific»


HONORIFIC, noun. A title. (e.g., Mister, Misses, Doctor, Professor)
HONORIFIC, noun. A term of respect; respectful language.
HONORIFIC, adjective. Showing or conferring honour and respect.
HONORIFIC, adjective. Based on or valuing honor
HONORIFIC TRANSPOSITION, noun. (linguistics) (Egyptology) A shift in the sign order of a compound word or common phrase, to make certain religiously significant terms (e.g. nsw, nṯr, rˤ) appear at the front of the word or phrase.
HONORIFIC TRANSPOSITIONS, noun. Plural of honorific transposition

Dictionary definition

HONORIFIC, noun. An expression of respect; "the Japanese use many honorifics".
HONORIFIC, adjective. Conferring or showing honor or respect; "honorific social status commonly attaches to membership in a recognized profession".

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