Associations to the word «Hashemite»
- Hussein
- Amman
- Jordan
- Sharif
- Mecca
- Emir
- Monarchy
- Saudi
- Iraq
- Arab
- Karim
- Emirate
- Damascus
- Syria
- Ottomans
- Kingdom
- Arabia
- Armistice
- Baghdad
- Palestine
- Syrian
- Bin
- Palestinian
- Nasser
- Abd
- Revolt
- Mandate
- Hasan
- Muhammad
- Mcmahon
- Caliph
- Boycott
- Sultanate
- Ali
- Pact
- Coup
- Governorate
- Dynasty
- Gaza
- Sulu
- Prophet
- Israel
- Jerusalem
- Lebanon
- Nationalism
- Ruler
- Israeli
- Arabic
- Descendant
- Clan
- Pro
- British
- Hassan
- Partition
- Egypt
- Dom
- Regime
- Al
- Independence
- Un
- Royal
- Islam
- King
- Prime
- Treaty
- Monarch
- Federation
- Britain
- Abu
- Morocco
- Pan
- Independent
- Ally
- Tribe
- Agreement
- Correspondence
- Decree
- Embassy
- Revolution
- Sultan
- Cooperation
HASHEMITE, noun. One who lays claim to being a direct descendent of Hashim, the great grandfather of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
HASHEMITE, adjective. Relating to or being descendants of Hashim.
HASHEMITE, noun. (mineral) An orthorhombic-dipyramidal mineral containing barium, chromium, oxygen, and sulfur.
HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN, proper noun. The official name of Jordan.
Wise words
A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is
the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color
and content according to the circumstances and time in which
it is used.