Associations to the word «Guru»
- Pune
- Rajasthan
- Nehru
- India
- Hanging
- Amiga
- Gujarat
- Gu
- Kal
- Bali
- Choreographer
- Hermitage
- Entourage
- Buddhist
- Birthday
- Diva
- Successor
- Josh
- Founder
- Rupee
- Idol
- Miro
- Myers
- Ritual
- Rapper
- Raman
- Artiste
- Invocation
- Karnataka
- Sage
- Malwa
- Arjuna
- Mat
- Holy
- Dur
- Humility
- Pu
- Stanza
- Salamander
- Bari
- Religion
- Goa
- Infinity
- Divinity
- Bombay
- Empowerment
- Pradesh
- Asa
- Mir
- Bal
- Gadget
- Ganges
- Pt
- Tenet
- Jammu
- Ninth
- Mai
- Lifestyle
- Ru
- Verse
- Hare
- Kara
- Homage
- Dal
- Var
- Scribe
- Cult
GURU, noun. A Hindu or Sikh spiritual teacher. [from 17th c.]
GURU, noun. (sometimes humorous) An influential advisor or mentor. [from 20th c.]
GURU GRANTH SAHIB, proper noun. The sacred Sikh scripture.
Dictionary definition
GURU, noun. A Hindu or Buddhist religious leader and spiritual teacher.
GURU, noun. Each of the first ten leaders of the Sikh religion.
GURU, noun. A recognized leader in some field or of some movement; "a guru of genomics".
Wise words
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking
creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.