Associations to the word «Flatter»


FLATTER, noun. A type of set tool used by blacksmiths.
FLATTER, noun. A flat-faced fulling hammer.
FLATTER, noun. A drawplate with a narrow, rectangular orifice, for drawing flat strips such as watch springs.
FLATTER, noun. Someone who flattens, purposely or accidently. Also flattener.
FLATTER, noun. (British) (NZ) (slang) Someone who lives in a rented flat.
FLATTER, adjective. Comparative form of flat: more flat
FLATTER, verb. To compliment someone, often insincerely and sometimes to win favour.
FLATTER, verb. To enhance someone's vanity by praising them.
FLATTER, verb. To portray something to advantage.
FLATTER, verb. To convey notions of the facts that are believed to be favorable to the hearer without certainty of the truthfulness of the notions conveyed.

Dictionary definition

FLATTER, verb. Praise somewhat dishonestly.

Wise words

A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the circumstances and time in which it is used.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.