Associations to the word «Fettered»
- Discretion
- Chain
- Bond
- Freedom
- Soul
- Habit
- Break
- Bind
- Bondage
- Yoke
- Will
- Ankle
- Lane
- Wrist
- Iron
- Mind
- Bound
- Pali
- Dungeon
- Servitude
- Limb
- Vernon
- Consideration
- Individuality
- Slave
- Odin
- Conceit
- Captive
- Deliverance
- Prometheus
- Tyrant
- Tyranny
- Elaine
- Chancery
- Legislature
- Warder
- Thong
- Sn
- Imprint
- Ted
- Rebirth
- Liberty
- Superstition
- Forge
- Gout
- Prisoner
- Karma
- Confine
- Convict
- Whip
- Sheppard
- Tenet
- Error
- Emancipation
- Scorn
- Eighteen
- Striving
- Wickedness
- Lust
- Lucifer
- Prejudice
FETTER, noun. A chain or similar object used to bind a person or animal – often by its legs (usually in plural).
FETTER, noun. (figurative) Anything that restricts or restrains.
FETTER, verb. (transitive) To shackle or bind up with fetters
FETTER, verb. (transitive) To restrain or impede; to hamper.
Dictionary definition
FETTER, noun. A shackle for the ankles or feet.
FETTER, verb. Restrain with fetters.
Wise words
Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.