Associations to the word «Fade»
- Obscurity
- Glow
- Oblivion
- Visage
- Tint
- Brightness
- Smile
- Mist
- Haze
- Sparkle
- Bruise
- Hue
- Grin
- Ink
- Bloom
- Sunlight
- Brilliance
- Tinge
- Glimmer
- Twilight
- Sunset
- Splendour
- Petal
- Gleam
- Blackness
- Blur
- Blossom
- Memory
- Glitter
- Wreath
- Stain
- Colour
- Color
- Darkness
- Pale
- Flower
- Complexion
- Scar
- Aura
- Frown
- Shade
- Optimism
- Footstep
- Glory
- Wail
- Enchantment
- Cheek
- Purple
- Popularity
- Fragrance
- Spectre
- Sadness
FADE, adjective. (archaic) Strong; bold; doughty
FADE, adjective. (archaic) Weak; insipid; tasteless; commonplace.
FADE, noun. (golf) A golf shot that (for the right-handed player) curves intentionally to the right. See slice, hook, draw.
FADE, noun. A haircut where the hair is short or shaved on the sides of the head and longer on top. See also high-top fade and low fade.
FADE, noun. (slang) A fight
FADE, noun. (cinematography) A gradual decrease in the brightness of a shot (as a means of cutting to a new scene)
FADE, verb. (intransitive) To become faded; to grow weak; to lose strength; to decay; to perish gradually; to wither, as a plant.
FADE, verb. (intransitive) To lose freshness, color, or brightness; to become faint in hue or tint; hence, to be wanting in color.
FADE, verb. (intransitive) To sink away; to disappear gradually; to grow dim; to vanish.
FADE, verb. (transitive) To cause to fade.
FADE AWAY, verb. To lose strength, become weaker; to wane
FADE IN, noun. A type of transition used in visual media, in which the transition is at first black, fading to a visual image.
FADE IN, verb. To fade from black to a visual image in visual media.
FADE OUT, noun. A type of transition used in movies usually at the end of a scene, in which the transition fades to black from the cut.
FADE OUT, verb. (idiomatic) To slowly disappear.
FADE OUT, verb. To fade from a cut to black in a movie.
FADE TO BLACK, verb. (cinema) To end a film or a scene of a film by causing the image to disappear and become black.
FADE TO WHITE, verb. A film punctuation in which the picture brightens until it is completely white.
Dictionary definition
FADE, noun. A golf shot that curves to the right for a right-handed golfer; "he took lessons to cure his slicing".
FADE, noun. Gradually ceasing to be visible.
FADE, verb. Become less clearly visible or distinguishable; disappear gradually or seemingly; "The scene begins to fade"; "The tree trunks are melting into the forest at dusk".
FADE, verb. Lose freshness, vigor, or vitality; "Her bloom was fading".
FADE, verb. Disappear gradually; "The pain eventually passed off".
FADE, verb. Become feeble; "The prisoner has be languishing for years in the dungeon".
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