Associations to the word «Every»


EVERY, proper noun. A surname​.
EVERY BIT, adverb. (idiomatic) Exactly, to its full degree
EVERY DAY, adverb. As frequently as every day; daily
EVERY FIVE MINUTES, adverb. (figuratively) very frequently; continually
EVERY INCH, adverb. (idiomatic) totally, completely
EVERY LAST, adjective. (idiomatic) every; without exception; used for emphasis
EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF, interjection. An expression of indifference, that everyone should forget about comradeship and save themselves.
EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF, adjective. Selfish
EVERY MAN JACK, pronoun. (idiomatic) All the members of a group with no exceptions.
EVERY MAN JACK, noun. Alternative spelling of every man Jack
EVERY OLD NOOK AND CRANNY, noun. (idiomatic) Alternative form of every nook and cranny
EVERY OTHER, adjective. All except for some previously mentioned set.
EVERY OTHER, adjective. Every second; each alternate; the second of each pair in turn (perhaps used because "every second" could also refer to "second" as a unit of time or be interpreted as meaning "only the second").
EVERY SECOND, adjective. Every other; each alternate.
EVERY SECOND, adverb. Used other than as an idiom: see Once per second.
EVERY SECOND, adverb. (figuratively) Very frequently; more frequently than is desired.
EVERY SO OFTEN, adverb. Occasionally; intermittently; irregularly; now and then; once in a while.
EVERY TIME, adverb. At each occasion that.
EVERY TIME, adverb. (informal) (idiomatic) Used to express a strong preference for something.
EVERY TRICK IN THE BOOK, noun. All possible knowledge of a subject matter.
EVERY TRICK IN THE BOOK, noun. All possible means, both honest and dishonest
EVERY WHICH WAY, adverb. (idiomatic) All over; in every direction.
EVERY WHICH WAY, adverb. (idiomatic) In all sorts of ways or manners.
EVERY WHICH WHERE, adverb. (idiomatic) (informal) A more emphatic version of everywhere

Dictionary definition

EVERY, adjective. (used of count nouns) each and all of the members of a group considered singly and without exception; "every person is mortal"; "every party is welcome"; "had every hope of success"; "every chance of winning".
EVERY, adjective. Each and all of a series of entities or intervals as specified; "every third seat"; "every two hours".

Wise words

Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.
Edgar Allan Poe