Associations to the word «Dummy»


DUMMY, noun. A silent person; a person who does not talk.
DUMMY, noun. An unintelligent person.
DUMMY, noun. A figure of a person or animal used by a ventriloquist; a puppet.
DUMMY, noun. Something constructed with the size and form of a human, to be used in place of a person.
DUMMY, noun. A deliberately nonfunctional device or tool used in place of a functional one.
DUMMY, noun. (AU) (UK) (NZ) A "dummy teat"; a plastic or rubber teat used to soothe or comfort a baby; a pacifier. [from 20th c.]
DUMMY, noun. (card games) (chiefly bridge) A player whose hand is shown and is to be played from by another player.
DUMMY, noun. (UK) A bodily gesture meant to fool an opposing player in sport; a feint.
DUMMY, noun. (linguistics) A word serving only to make a construction grammatical.
DUMMY, noun. (programming) An unused parameter or value.
DUMMY, verb. To make a mock-up or prototype version of something, without some or all off its intended functionality.
DUMMY, verb. To feint
DUMMY BID, noun. (business) A bid made at an auction, by a dummy bidder acting in collusion with the auctioneer or vendor, designed to deceive genuine bidders into paying more.
DUMMY BIDS, noun. Plural of dummy bid
DUMMY BOARD, noun. A flat wooden life-size figure painted and shaped in silhouette.
DUMMY CAR, noun. A railroad car containing its own steam power or locomotive.
DUMMY OUT, verb. (video games) To remove (a feature, subplot, item, or character) from a video game.
DUMMY RUN, noun. (idiomatic)A trial or practice before the real attempt.
DUMMY RUNS, noun. Plural of dummy run
DUMMY SCISSORS, noun. (rugby) An attacking move by two players resembling a scissors move but where the ball carrier only dummies the pass to his team-mate.
DUMMY SPIT, noun. (idiomatic) The act of overreacting (as an adult) to a situation childishly, in an angry or frustrated manner.
DUMMY SPITS, noun. Plural of dummy spit
DUMMY UP, verb. To make a mock-up or prototype version of something, without some or all off its intended functionality.
DUMMY UP, verb. (informal) To suddenly stop talking
DUMMY VARIABLE, noun. (statistics) A binary variable, which takes a value of 0 or 1 to indicate which category an individual falls into.
DUMMY VARIABLES, noun. Plural of dummy variable

Dictionary definition

DUMMY, noun. A person who does not talk.
DUMMY, noun. An ignorant or foolish person.
DUMMY, noun. A figure representing the human form.
DUMMY, noun. A cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet.
DUMMY, verb. Make a dummy of; "dummy up the books that are to be published".
DUMMY, adjective. Having the appearance of being real but lacking capacity to function; "a dummy corporation".

Wise words

A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the circumstances and time in which it is used.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.