Associations to the word «Dissenting»
- Puritan
- Murphy
- Mun
- Appeal
- Mckenna
- Northampton
- Byron
- Taunton
- Protestantism
- Conformity
- Jurist
- Brewer
- Chief
- Petition
- Sup
- Warrington
- Juror
- Academy
- View
- Wendell
- Doctrine
- Intellectual
- Goldberg
- Rea
- Deference
- Fuller
- Jeopardy
- Lords
- Consensus
- Catholic
- Legality
- Pastor
- Warren
- Sonia
- Cruel
- Prose
- Hugo
- Sermon
- Burgh
- Burton
- Penalty
- Stewart
- Samuel
- Reasoning
- Jurisprudence
- Plaintiff
- Roberts
- Conviction
- Abortion
- Punishment
- Sandra
- Reed
- Immunity
- Disagreement
- Bargaining
- Voice
- Argument
- Violation
- Constitution
- Reversal
- Discrimination
- Worship
- Pal
- Ary
- Exeter
- Injunction
- Case
- Thomas
- Kirby
- Precedent
DISSENTING, verb. Present participle of dissent
Dictionary definition
DISSENTING, adjective. Disagreeing, especially with a majority.
Wise words
Think twice before you speak, because your words and
influence will plant the seed of either success or failure
in the mind of another.