Associations to the word «Discriminate»
- Sequencing
- Dis
- Feminism
- Allocation
- Warhead
- Black
- Hindus
- Distinction
- Aids
- Selectivity
- Specificity
- Sikh
- Listener
- Citizen
- Requiring
- Vii
- Foreigner
- Policy
- Reject
- Status
- Ada
- Nazis
- Excitation
- Hz
- Difference
- Seniority
- Registrar
- Neu
- Sunni
- Discharge
- Beneficiary
- Affiliation
- Veto
- Protection
- Pregnancy
- Favour
- Detection
- Immigrant
- Harassment
- Fail
- Prohibition
- Negroes
- Electrode
- Willingness
- Irs
- Equal
- Dren
- Catholicism
- Nucleotide
- Able
- Kinship
- Worker
- Chil
- Court
- Membership
- Tice
- Sexuality
- Freedman
- Agonist
- Grievance
- Modality
- Non
- Picasso
- Lending
- Target
- Wrong
DISCRIMINATE, verb. (intransitive) To make distinctions.
DISCRIMINATE, verb. (intransitive) (construed with against) To make decisions based on prejudice.
DISCRIMINATE, verb. (transitive) To set apart as being different; to mark as different; to separate from another by discerning differences; to distinguish.
DISCRIMINATE, adjective. Having the difference marked; distinguished by certain tokens.
Dictionary definition
DISCRIMINATE, verb. Recognize or perceive the difference.
DISCRIMINATE, verb. Treat differently on the basis of sex or race.
DISCRIMINATE, verb. Distinguish; "I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish".
DISCRIMINATE, adjective. Marked by the ability to see or make fine distinctions; "discriminate judgments"; "discriminate people".
Wise words
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and
in fewer words than prose.