Associations to the word «Dacian»


DACIAN, noun. A member of an ancient Indo-European ethnic group of Dacia, known as Dacians.
DACIAN, noun. (obsolete) A Dane, Denmark having been known as Dacia in Medieval Latin.
DACIAN, noun. (rare) (poetic) A Romanian.
DACIAN, proper noun. An extinct Indo-European language spoken by the people of Dacia.
DACIAN, adjective. Of or pertaining to Dacia or the Dacians.
DACIAN, adjective. (rare) (poetic) Of or pertaining to Romania or Romanians.
DACIAN, adjective. (obsolete) Of or pertaining to Denmark or the Danes.

Wise words

A word carries far, very far, deals destruction through time as the bullets go flying through space.
Joseph Conrad