Associations to the word «Crud»


CRUD, noun. Dirt, filth or refuse.
CRUD, noun. (figuratively) (by extension) Something of poor quality.
CRUD, noun. Mixed impurities, especially corrosion products in nuclear reactor fuel.
CRUD, noun. A heavy wet snow on which it is difficult to ski.
CRUD, noun. (euphemistic) Feces; excrement.
CRUD, noun. A contemptible person.
CRUD, noun. (slang) (US) (military and students) venereal disease, or (later) any disease.
CRUD, noun. A fast-paced game, loosely based on billiards or pool, with many players participating at the same time.
CRUD, interjection. Non-vulgar interjection expressing annoyance, anxiety, etc.; sugar, damn.
CRUD, acronym. (programming) (database) create, read, update, and delete

Dictionary definition

CRUD, noun. Heavy wet snow that is unsuitable for skiing.
CRUD, noun. Any substance considered disgustingly foul or unpleasant.
CRUD, noun. An ill-defined bodily ailment; "he said he had the crud and needed a doctor".

Wise words

Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and meanings differently arranged have different effects.
Blaise Pascal