Associations to the word «Craven»
- Elizabeth
- Warwickshire
- Hyde
- Murray
- Griffiths
- Concussion
- Wayne
- Rebecca
- Lava
- Clayton
- Augustus
- Deed
- Installment
- Raven
- Lori
- Alexandre
- Harcourt
- Eliza
- William
- Jessica
- Racehorse
- Southampton
- Chelsea
- Filming
- Brighton
- Rodney
- Cry
- Carlisle
- Peerage
- Tobias
- Basin
- Script
- Racing
- Muir
- Burnett
- Dante
- Grant
- Save
- Wellington
- Briggs
- Crane
- Sheffield
- Presenter
- Greg
- Wakefield
- Settle
- Filmmaker
- Meeting
- Leigh
- Knight
- Schools
- Kurt
- Aston
- Viscount
- Sire
- Oaks
- Duff
- Wheelchair
- Shields
- Dem
- Ensign
- Tile
- Tuesday
- Capt
- Starring
- Turnpike
- Uss
- Choke
- Spencer
- Osborne
- Casey
- Rourke
- Enemy
- Churchyard
- Ward
- Stadium
- Screenwriter
- Torpedo
- Clive
- Barony
- Ross
- Kevin
- Campbell
- Dudley
- Replay
- Moor
- Byrd
CRAVEN, adjective. Unwilling to fight; lacking even the rudiments of courage; extremely cowardly.
CRAVEN, noun. A coward.
CRAVEN, verb. To make craven.
CRAVEN, proper noun. A surname.
Dictionary definition
CRAVEN, noun. An abject coward.
CRAVEN, adjective. Lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful; "the craven fellow turned and ran"; "a craven proposal to raise the white flag"; "this recreant knight"- Spenser.
Wise words
In words are seen the state of mind and character and
disposition of the speaker.