Associations to the word «Clemens»
- Romantic
- Randy
- Graeme
- Starter
- Anton
- Grimm
- Scribe
- Brian
- Jennie
- Huntsville
- Hermann
- Prince
- Doppler
- Jay
- Cyril
- Nevada
- Pathologist
- Hitter
- Prefect
- Etching
- Pseudonym
- Allergy
- Paige
- Quarterback
- Toast
- Blister
- Torre
- Hardin
- Tact
- Swearing
- Pamela
- Bayern
- Rex
- Elisabeth
- Tobias
- Darryl
- Hitchcock
- Jane
- Marlin
- Burton
- Humor
- Defamation
- Burglar
- Pontiac
- Philharmonic
- Grover
- Memorandum
- Mathias
- Doug
- Mariner
- Jakob
- Conductor
- Pen
- Maximilian
- Johan
- Erich
- Renegade
- Tramp
- Rolf
- Boone
- Aus
- Tiberius
- Bonn
- Fritz
- Haas
- Pitch
- Claudius
- Umpire
- Grail
- Acknowledgment
- Houston
- Carlton
- Adelaide
- Munich
- Fond
- Missouri
- Bliss
- Jamestown
- Pinch
- Baseball
- Maria
- August
- Gustav
- Pottery
- Td
- Economist
- Schiller
- Rusty
- Odysseus
- Teammate
Dictionary definition
CLEMENS, noun. United States writer and humorist best known for his novels about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (1835-1910).
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.