Associations to the word «Chesterfield»
- Norwood
- Substitute
- Crosby
- Relegation
- Alexandra
- Yorkshire
- Hotspur
- Amelia
- Wednesday
- Tottenham
- Musketeer
- Manchester
- Crawley
- Wolverhampton
- Aston
- Mcguire
- Leicestershire
- Keynes
- Halifax
- Hadley
- Orient
- Lord
- Brighton
- Annexation
- Bing
- Archdeacon
- Goalkeeper
- Lincoln
- Montagu
- Borough
- Sheridan
- Etiquette
- Marlborough
- Stafford
- Striker
- Trophy
- Swift
- Charlton
- Plymouth
- Rankin
- Bon
- Hatfield
- Preston
- Hampshire
- Viaduct
- Birmingham
- Horace
- Wager
- Courthouse
- Norwich
- Defeat
- Fixture
- Wakefield
- Walton
- Patronage
- Junction
- Petersburg
- Reef
- Scoring
- Parramatta
- Compliment
- Ipswich
- Midfielder
- Overcoat
- Caretaker
- League
- Joining
- Heath
- Goal
- Exeter
- Burton
- Barlow
- Bristol
- Goalscorer
- Signing
- Faithful
- Sherwood
- Moor
- Nobleman
- Portsmouth
- Dee
- Huntington
- Clarkson
- Katherine
- Town
- Holden
- Lancaster
- Bret
- Swansea
- Football
- Levee
- Myers
- Voltaire
- Cardiff
CHESTERFIELD, noun. A couch, sofa, or loveseat with padded arms and back of the same height, often curved outward at the top.
CHESTERFIELD, noun. (Canada) Any couch or sofa.
CHESTERFIELD, proper noun. A market town in Derbyshire, England
CHESTERFIELD, proper noun. Any of a number of other settlements
CHESTERFIELD RUGBY, noun. (Canada) (idiomatic) (euphemistic) Sexual activity.
Dictionary definition
CHESTERFIELD, noun. Suave and witty English statesman remembered mostly for letters to his son (1694-1773).
CHESTERFIELD, noun. An overstuffed davenport with upright armrests.
CHESTERFIELD, noun. A fitted overcoat with a velvet collar.
Wise words
We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control
our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we
are then master of the situation.