Associations to the word «Chesterfield»


CHESTERFIELD, noun. A couch, sofa, or loveseat with padded arms and back of the same height, often curved outward at the top.
CHESTERFIELD, noun. (Canada) Any couch or sofa.
CHESTERFIELD, proper noun. A market town in Derbyshire, England
CHESTERFIELD, proper noun. Any of a number of other settlements
CHESTERFIELD RUGBY, noun. (Canada) (idiomatic) (euphemistic) Sexual activity.

Dictionary definition

CHESTERFIELD, noun. Suave and witty English statesman remembered mostly for letters to his son (1694-1773).
CHESTERFIELD, noun. An overstuffed davenport with upright armrests.
CHESTERFIELD, noun. A fitted overcoat with a velvet collar.

Wise words

We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation.
Florence Scovel Shinn