Associations to the word «Builder»
- Dwelling
- Temple
- Ltd
- Guild
- Artifact
- Building
- Keel
- Hull
- Carriage
- Mckay
- Home
- Craft
- Labyrinth
- Airplane
- Tender
- Mortgage
- Flycatcher
- Georgian
- Newport
- Miner
- Willis
- Master
- Chimney
- Commissioning
- Nicholson
- Peterson
- Warehouse
- Scaffold
- Nu
- Compiler
- Quincy
- Glue
- Glider
- Transept
- Barge
- Islamic
- Startup
- Replica
- Dealer
- Gardener
- Dike
- Query
- Tomb
- Clipper
- Mansion
- Castle
- Grocer
- Arch
- Organizer
- Monoplane
- Gatherer
- Canal
- Andreas
- Boiler
- Skyline
- Exterior
- Enthusiast
- Plaque
- Civilization
- Brothers
- Laird
- Aeroplane
- Bicycle
- Descendant
- Cramp
- Domino
- Estate
- Revival
- Airship
- Ipswich
- Portland
- Diesel
- Businessman
- Sandstone
- Chevrolet
- Aero
- Styling
Pictures for the word «Builder»
BUILDER, noun. A person who builds or constructs things.
BUILDER, noun. (trade) Master artisan, who receives his instructions from the architect, and employs workers.
BUILDER, noun. (rare) (bodybuilding) A bodybuilder.
BUILDER PATTERN, noun. (software) (object-oriented) A creational design pattern that intends to abstract steps of construction of objects so that different implementations of these steps can construct different representations of objects.
BUILDER PATTERNS, noun. Plural of builder pattern
Dictionary definition
BUILDER, noun. A substance added to soaps or detergents to increase their cleansing action.
BUILDER, noun. A person who creates a business or who organizes and develops a country; "empire builder".
BUILDER, noun. Someone who contracts for and supervises construction (as of a building).
Wise words
Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events,
not of words. Trust movement.