Associations to the word «Border»
- Northumberland
- Palestinian
- Staffordshire
- Serra
- Westphalia
- Czechoslovakia
- Watershed
- Bulgaria
- Upland
- Hungary
- Kashmir
- Canton
- Herzegovina
- Galilee
- Bedfordshire
- Soviet
- Pakistan
- Passport
- Kurdistan
- Israeli
- Liberia
- Sarawak
- Township
- Voivodeship
- Borough
- County
- Monmouth
- Hidalgo
- Guyana
- Neighborhood
- Alta
- Gabon
- Gulf
- Ocean
- Oman
- Background
- Puebla
- Blight
- Poland
- Syrian
- Magdalena
- Tko
- Stefano
- Bromley
- Barrio
- Motorway
- Pakistani
- Suriname
- Hemisphere
- Milford
- Dispute
- Burlington
- Lebanese
- Southeast
- Suture
- Northamptonshire
- Corner
- Roanoke
- Estuary
- Savanna
- Northwest
- Suburb
- Pancho
- Opponent
- Algeria
- Mediterranean
- Oaxaca
- Oceanic
- Senegal
- Shoreline
- Malawi
- Fortification
BORDER, noun. The outer edge of something.
BORDER, noun. A decorative strip around the edge of something.
BORDER, noun. A strip of ground in which ornamental plants are grown.
BORDER, noun. The line or frontier area separating political or geographical regions.
BORDER, noun. (British) Short form of border morris or border dancing; a vigorous style of traditional English dance originating from villages along the border between England and Wales, performed by a team of dancers usually with their faces disguised with black makeup.
BORDER, verb. (transitive) To put a border on something.
BORDER, verb. (transitive) To lie on, or adjacent to a border.
BORDER, verb. (intransitive) To touch at a border (with on or upon).
BORDER, verb. (intransitive) To approach; to come near to; to verge.
BORDER BLASTER, noun. A broadcast station used to target listeners in another country, despite not being licensed to do so.
BORDER BLASTERS, noun. Plural of border blaster
BORDER COLLIE, proper noun. A herding dog bred near the border between England and Scotland which is widely regarded as the most intelligent breed of dog.
BORDER COLLIE, noun. A herding dog bred near the border between England and Scotland which is widely regarded as the most intelligent breed of dog.
BORDER ON, verb. (intransitive) To be almost like some other thing.
BORDER REIVERS, noun. The collective name for the predatory clans of the border region between England and Scotland.
BORDER STONE, noun. Alternative spelling of borderstone
BORDER STONES, noun. Plural of border stone
Dictionary definition
BORDER, noun. A line that indicates a boundary.
BORDER, noun. The boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary.
BORDER, noun. The boundary of a surface.
BORDER, noun. A decorative recessed or relieved surface on an edge.
BORDER, noun. A strip forming the outer edge of something; "the rug had a wide blue border".
BORDER, verb. Extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle; "The forest surrounds my property".
BORDER, verb. Form the boundary of; be contiguous to.
BORDER, verb. Enclose in or as if in a frame; "frame a picture".
BORDER, verb. Provide with a border or edge; "edge the tablecloth with embroidery".
BORDER, verb. Lie adjacent to another or share a boundary; "Canada adjoins the U.S."; "England marches with Scotland".
Wise words
Once a word has been allowed to escape, it cannot be