Associations to the word «Ballet»

Pictures for the word «Ballet»


BALLET, noun. A classical form of dance.
BALLET, noun. A theatrical presentation of such dancing, usually with music, sometimes in the form of a story.
BALLET, noun. The company of persons who perform this dance.
BALLET, noun. (music) A light part song, frequently with a fa-la-la chorus, common among Elizabethan and Italian Renaissance composers.
BALLET, noun. (heraldry) A bearing in coats of arms representing one or more balls, called bezants, plates, etc., according to colour.
BALLET DAD, noun. (literally) A man with school-age children, most likely girls, especially one who spends time transporting them between after school activities.
BALLET DANCER, noun. A person who dances in ballets.
BALLET FLAT, noun. A type of women's flat with a very low heel, thin sole, and round toe.
BALLET FLATS, noun. Plural of ballet flat
BALLET MUSIC, noun. (music genre) Music composed primarily to accompany a ballet performance
BALLET SHOE, noun. (chiefly UK) A flexible shoe without a heel and fastened by a strap or ribbon, designed for dancing.
BALLET SHOES, noun. Plural of ballet shoe
BALLET SLIPPER, noun. A flexible shoe without a heel and fastened by a strap or ribbon, designed for dancing.
BALLET SLIPPERS, noun. Plural of ballet slipper

Dictionary definition

BALLET, noun. A theatrical representation of a story that is performed to music by trained dancers.
BALLET, noun. Music written for a ballet.

Wise words

Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.
Blaise Pascal