Associations to the word «Azerbaijani»


AZERBAIJANI, noun. A person from Azerbaijan or of Azerbaijani descent.
AZERBAIJANI, proper noun. Language of Azerbaijan, see Azeri.
AZERBAIJANI, adjective. Of, from, or pertaining to Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani people or the Azerbaijani language.
AZERBAIJANI TURKIC, proper noun. Azeri; the Southern Turkic language of Azerbaijan.

Dictionary definition

AZERBAIJANI, noun. A native or inhabitant of Azerbaijan.
AZERBAIJANI, noun. The Turkic language spoken by the Azerbaijani.
AZERBAIJANI, adjective. Of or pertaining to Azerbaijan or the people or culture of Azerbaijan.

Wise words

We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only, and not for things themselves.
John Locke