Associations to the word «Authoritative»
- Consensus
- Exponent
- Sanskrit
- Epistle
- Voice
- Declaration
- Scholar
- Mysticism
- Guideline
- Aristotle
- Anglican
- Aquinas
- Sect
- Moshe
- Encyclopaedia
- Prophet
- Opinion
- Expertise
- Autograph
- Concord
- Quote
- Faith
- Synod
- Christianity
- Document
- Viewpoint
- Heresy
- Islam
- Referral
- Yoga
- Authenticity
- Gospel
- Morality
- Translation
- Scientology
- Theology
- Documentation
- Corpus
- Edition
- Registry
- Judgment
- Authority
- Sunni
- Criticism
- Confession
- Validity
- Account
- Grammar
- Practical
- Moral
- Oral
- Expert
- Factual
- Confucian
- Reliable
- Parental
- Tentative
- Respected
- Divine
- Theological
- Ecclesiastical
- Statute
- Considered
- Lutheran
- Empowered
- Vedic
- Explanatory
- Binding
- Conflicting
- Competent
- Supportive
- Sacred
- Accurate
- Asserted
- Jewish
- Practicable
- Crisp
- Incompatible
- Biographical
- Detailed
- Esoteric
- Islamic
- Satisfying
- Imaginative
- Sectarian
- Papal
AUTHORITATIVE, adjective. Arising or originating from a figure of authority
AUTHORITATIVE, adjective. Highly accurate or definitive; treated or worthy of treatment as a scholarly authority
AUTHORITATIVE, adjective. Having a commanding style.
Dictionary definition
AUTHORITATIVE, adjective. Having authority or ascendancy or influence; "an important official"; "the captain's authoritative manner".
AUTHORITATIVE, adjective. Of recognized authority or excellence; "the definitive work on Greece"; "classical methods of navigation".
AUTHORITATIVE, adjective. Sanctioned by established authority; "an authoritative communique"; "the authorized biography".
Wise words
Hope is the word which God has written on the brow of every