Associations to the word «Amorphous»


AMORPHOUS, adjective. Lacking a definite form or clear shape
AMORPHOUS, adjective. Being without definite character or nature
AMORPHOUS, adjective. Lacking organization or unity
AMORPHOUS, adjective. (physics) in the non-crystalline solid state of a typically crystalline solid.
AMORPHOUS, adjective. (set theory) (of a set) infinite and not the disjoint union of two infinite subsets

Dictionary definition

AMORPHOUS, adjective. Having no definite form or distinct shape; "amorphous clouds of insects"; "an aggregate of formless particles"; "a shapeless mass of protoplasm".
AMORPHOUS, adjective. Lacking the system or structure characteristic of living bodies.
AMORPHOUS, adjective. Without real or apparent crystalline form; "an amorphous mineral"; "amorphous structure".

Wise words

Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.
Blaise Pascal