Associations to the word «Adrenal»
- Glucose
- Carbohydrate
- Bladder
- Lipid
- Sf
- Differentiation
- Transplant
- Dosage
- Lesion
- Disease
- Precursor
- Secondary
- Cor
- Therapy
- Abdomen
- Brain
- Inflammation
- Gene
- Urine
- Scan
- Aging
- Cancer
- Pathway
- Organ
- Dependent
- Cell
- Pregnancy
- Periphery
- Reversal
- Ct
- Onset
- Gale
- Vitamin
- Patient
- Physiology
- Dose
- Nerve
- Muscle
- Trauma
- Lobe
- Response
- Imaging
- Level
- Inhibitor
- Artery
- Calcium
- Medication
- Infection
- Rat
- Function
- Blood
- Neurotransmitter
- Tyrosine
- Ganglion
- Hemorrhage
- Allele
- Alcoholism
- Hy
- Lymph
- Xx
- Anesthesia
- Amphibian
- Uterus
- Alchemy
- Electrolyte
- Vesicle
- Alkali
- Potassium
ADRENAL, adjective. Pertaining to the adrenal glands or their secretions.
ADRENAL, adjective. Near the kidneys.
ADRENAL, noun. An adrenal gland.
ADRENAL ARTERY, noun. (physiology) An artery in the human abdomen that supplies blood to the adrenal glands.
ADRENAL CORTEX, noun. (anatomy) The outer portion of the adrenal glands that produces hormones essential to homeostasis
ADRENAL CORTEXES, noun. Plural of adrenal cortex
ADRENAL GLAND, noun. (anatomy) In mammals, either of a pair of complex endocrine glands, situated above each kidney, secreting hormones which control the heart rate, blood pressure, and metabolism.
ADRENAL GLANDS, noun. Plural of adrenal gland
Dictionary definition
ADRENAL, noun. Either of a pair of complex endocrine glands situated near the kidney.
ADRENAL, adjective. Of or pertaining to the adrenal glands or their secretions.
ADRENAL, adjective. Near the kidneys.
Wise words
Be generous with kindly words, especially about those who
are absent.