Associations to the word «Abiding»


ABIDING, noun. The action of one abides; the state of an abider. [First attested from around 1150 to 1350.]
ABIDING, noun. (obsolete) An abode. [First attested from around (1350 to 1470) until the early 17th century.]
ABIDING, adjective. Continuing or persisting in the same state; lasting; enduring. [First attested around 1350 to 1470.]
ABIDING, verb. Present participle of abide
ABIDING BY, verb. Present participle of abide by
ABIDING PLACE, noun. Alternative spelling of abiding-place
ABIDING PLACES, noun. Plural of abiding place

Dictionary definition

ABIDING, adjective. Unceasing; "an abiding belief"; "imperishable truths".

Wise words

Words are cheap. The biggest thing you can say is 'elephant'.
Charlie Chaplin