Associations to the word «Yiddish»
- Culture
- Shapiro
- Bertha
- Poetry
- Palestine
- Goldstein
- Acronym
- Speaking
- Mysticism
- Leben
- Intellectual
- Typewriter
- Dramatist
- Lit
- Derivation
- Tongue
- Leo
- Williamsburg
- Revue
- Verb
- Noun
- Humor
- Nazis
- Kaufman
- Milieu
- Nadir
- Oder
- Vagabond
- Anthology
- Auschwitz
- Miriam
- Lan
- Phrase
- Aaron
- Albanian
- Stalin
- Performer
- Elijah
- Ssr
- Aleksandr
- Levi
- Poem
- Ern
- Lower
- Ha
- Moses
- Comedian
- Minority
- Di
- Moldova
- Ussr
- Religious
- Grammar
- Chinese
- Maurice
- Greek
- Revival
- Meaning
- Tango
- Storytelling
- Broadway
- Herman
- Knit
- Borrowing
- Nathan
- Riga
YIDDISH, adjective. Of or pertaining to the Yiddish language.
YIDDISH, adjective. (informal) Jewish.
YIDDISH, noun. A West Germanic language that developed from Middle High German dialects, with an admixture of vocabulary from multiple source languages including Hebrew-Aramaic, Romance, Slavic, English, etc., and written in Hebrew characters which is used mainly among Ashkenazic Jews from central and eastern Europe.
Dictionary definition
YIDDISH, noun. A dialect of High German including some Hebrew and other words; spoken in Europe as a vernacular by many Jews; written in the Hebrew script.
Wise words
A picture is worth a thousand words.