Associations to the word «Whaler»
- Hartford
- Whaling
- Whales
- Whale
- Plymouth
- Bedford
- Oiler
- Bruin
- Arctic
- Greenland
- Inuit
- Sperm
- Goaltender
- Canuck
- Winnipeg
- Edmonton
- Flyer
- Hockey
- Trader
- Nathaniel
- Jet
- Melville
- Britannia
- Reindeer
- Privateer
- Sabre
- Cruising
- Brewster
- Seaman
- Defenceman
- Maple
- Raleigh
- Hurricane
- Howe
- Penguin
- Shark
- Fisherman
- Calgary
- Franchise
- Fishery
- Convict
- Playoff
- Kitchener
- Brig
- Explorer
- Dundee
- Schooner
- Orkney
- Shetland
- Quebec
- Essex
- Spitfire
- Sanderson
- Islander
- Cod
- Sailor
- Draft
- Detroit
- Calder
- Waiver
- Anaheim
- Voyage
- Barrow
- Envoy
- Strait
- Coyote
- Avalanche
- Boston
- Pacific
- Ley
- Iceberg
- Shutout
- Parramatta
- Cutter
- Mcguire
- Christensen
- Oar
- Relocation
- Ice
- Mariner
- Tortoise
- Mckenzie
WHALER, noun. One who hunts whales; a person employed in the whaling industry.
WHALER, noun. A seagoing vessel used for hunting whales.
WHALER, noun. One who whales (flogs or beats).
WHALER, noun. (slang) A large, strong person.
WHALER, noun. (slang) Something of unusually great size, a whopper, a whacker.
WHALER, noun. (Australia) Any shark of the family Carcharhinidae; a requiem shark.
WHALER, noun. (Australian slang) (dated) A sundowner; one who cruises about.
Dictionary definition
WHALER, noun. A seaman who works on a ship that hunts whales.
WHALER, noun. A ship engaged in whale fishing.
Wise words
Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.