Associations to the word «Weakly»


WEAKLY, adjective. Frail, sickly or of a delicate constitution; weak.
WEAKLY, adverb. With little strength or force
WEAKLY CARDINAL, adjective. Characteristic of weak cardinality
WEAKLY CONTRACTIBLE, adjective. (of a topological space) Having all its homotopy groups trivial.
WEAKLY INTERACTING MASSIVE PARTICLE, noun. (astronomy) (physics) A hypothetical class of particle, proposed to explain the dark matter problem.
WEAKLY INTERACTING MASSIVE PARTICLES, noun. Plural of weakly interacting massive particle
WEAKLY SYMMETRIC MATTER, noun. (physics) a predicted very high energy state of matter, present in the very early universe for perhaps 10-12 seconds after the Big Bang, when strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces were undistinguished

Dictionary definition

WEAKLY, adverb. In a weak or feeble manner or to a minor degree; "weakly agreed to a compromise"; "wheezed weakly"; "he was weakly attracted to her".
WEAKLY, adjective. Lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality; "a feeble old woman"; "her body looked sapless".

Wise words

A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.
Robert Burton