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Associations to the word «Waterproofed»


WATERPROOF, adjective. Unaffected by water.
WATERPROOF, adjective. Made of or covered with material that doesn't allow water in.
WATERPROOF, adjective. (figurative) Incapable of failing; unassailable.
WATERPROOF, verb. To make waterproof or water-resistant.
WATERPROOF, noun. A substance or preparation for rendering cloth, leather, etc., impervious to water.
WATERPROOF, noun. Cloth made waterproof, or any article made of such cloth, or of other waterproof material, as rubber; especially, an outer garment made of such material.

Dictionary definition

WATERPROOF, noun. Any fabric impervious to water.
WATERPROOF, noun. A water-resistant coat.
WATERPROOF, verb. Make watertight; "Waterproof the coat".
WATERPROOF, adjective. Not permitting the passage of water.

Wise words

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