Associations to the word «Undue»


UNDUE, adjective. Excessive; going beyond that what is natural or sufficient.
UNDUE, adjective. That which ought not to be done; illegal; unjustified.
UNDUE, adjective. (of a payment etc) Not owing or payable.

Dictionary definition

UNDUE, adjective. Not yet payable; "an undue loan".
UNDUE, adjective. Not appropriate or proper (or even legal) in the circumstances; "undue influence"; "I didn't want to show undue excitement"; "accused of using undue force".
UNDUE, adjective. Lacking justification or authorization; "desire for undue private profit"; "unwarranted limitations of personal freedom".
UNDUE, adjective. Beyond normal limits; "excessive charges"; "a book of inordinate length"; "his dress stops just short of undue elegance"; "unreasonable demands".

Wise words

Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one another and to us; nowhere do they touch upon absolute truth.
Friedrich Nietzsche